Sunday, 29 May 2011

Welcome to Safari Ecology!

During two weeks of guide training in Tarangire National Park for Asilia we realised how useful it would be to keep the information flowing, offering safari guides in East Africa and other interested people the chance to continuously learn more about the ecology of the places visited on safari. We're hoping that between us we can blog about a whole range of things from interesting stories to tell about specific species, through a bit of geology, to articles developing a deeper understanding of the ecology that holds these ecosystems together.
Between us, we've experience both of professional safari guiding and academic research throughout East Africa, and we hope we'll also be able to persuade others to contribute their expertise to this blog too! Whatever your interest in the ecology of East Africa, we'd like to hear from you and suggestions of new topics to cover are particularly welcome (as will be offers to write them!), so please do comment. If we get enough interest from readers we'll keep this blog going - otherwise it will dwindle and fade into a quiet and dusty corner of the internet (we're busy people to other things to do too!).

In our guide training we covered the ecology of different habitats, stories about particular species and a list of things to talk about when the big five are being elusive. At least to start with, we'll be sticking with tags related to these main topics to manage the content. If you want to follow any particular part, use the labels on the sidebar to navigate. 


  1. Great stuff! Thanks for this fantastic blog. It deserves much more exposure! Please keep up the good work! Cheers. Greg

  2. Amazing information and what most of the travelers are missing while take their safaris in savanna. This is more that just take a photograph from your safari car.

    Keep it up.

    Emanuel Motta

  3. Glad you like it! More will be coming, I promise!
