Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Breaking the silence...

Hello everyone, and apologies for being offline for so long! I've been running around like a mad thing - Manyara, Loliondo, Ndutu, Cape Town, you name it, I've been there! I'm now back home and full of ideas for lots of new posts to keep things rolling. Whilst I sort out my photos and 1000s of emails I thought I'd bring to people's attention one thing I'm up to next. Regular readers will know I have a thing about fire in savannas and may even have picked up my plans to do a large-scale burning experiment around the Serengeti NP (I mentioned it here...). Well, the project has been officially approved and will be happening, but we're trying to raise some money to help get started and we're trying out crowdfunding as an experiment. What's crowdfunding you ask? Go and find out here! Using the newly set up website called Petridish, we're trying to get some start up funds in the next few weeks - there's opportunities for anyone to donate online, any amount, and some fun rewards to donors too! There are loads of other projects all looking for funding on the Petridish site, so we need to get some momentum going and then the site will push us harder too. I'll post some of the rationale for the experiment and more details here soon, but please do spread work about this and make a donation, however small, as soon as possible! There's a deadline on donations, and if we don't get the money we've asked for by then all the money goes back to the donors... Launching today, we've still got a long way to go! So, share the word, donate and (if you can bear it) watch me explain the project on the little video!

Here's the link to read about the project, see the pictures and video and make a donation. Thanks!

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